About My Reviews

Why do I write reviews?

Why not? Lol, seriously though. I’ve always struggled to find reviews that I resonate with. I end up asking friends who know my taste and can give me a review according to a similar viewpoint. I can’t be the only one with this dilemma, right?
I will let you know, that these reviews are subject to my opinions and perspective, I won’t claim to be completely objective, even though I try.
If you don’t agree with my reviews, that’s alright, no hard feelings. Hopefully, you find reviews that serve your purpose elsewhere.

Why are there Trigger Warnings in my Reviews?

This is not a common warning that we get in movie reviews, but more than once I’ve struggled in a theater watching something I really wish I didn’t. Especially with the representation of people being skewed, narrow, and sometimes nonexistent, it can be helpful to avoid movies that may not feel good or to watch them with a little bit of mental preparedness.

Complete Review

These are reviews I publish after watching the movie multiple times, giving me the luxury of going back and forth to pick up on details I may have missed or not remember the first time around.

Initial Review

These are reviews I publish after watching a movie once. Two common reasons for this are – I probably watched the movie in the theater, or, I didn’t have the heart to watch the movie again. So, obviously, these reviews won’t be as thorough as my complete reviews. They are created through the notes I take down during a single watch. In any case, if there’s a movie you would like to see a complete review on, let me know!

Movie Rating

This is the score I give to the movie overall – including elements of a traditional movie analysis – the story, believability, creative elements, acting, etc This scale ranges from 0 to 10.

Maguva Impact Scale

Movies are art. In a society in which movies are the most widespread form of art, next to music (which is heavily integrated with movies), I believe that they have a large impact. The score on this scale ranges from -3 to +3.


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