
Have you ever woken up one day and realized that all your life you’ve been missing out on wonderful parts of yourself and that it’s time to start letting your inner truth shine? A life-changing epiphany happening while a sweet breeze moves the hair out of your sunlit face. Well, I didn’t. My version is MUCH less glamorous and dramatic. That’s a story for another day though.

First things first, hi there! My name is Veena and this blog is part of a dream that I’m making come true. Graduating medical school in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic was what it took for my inner dreamer to take over and push me to go after those seemingly outlandish desires I’ve always had.

If we’re going to be friends, the first thing you should know about me is that I LOVE coffee, particularly cold brew. For all the coffee aficionados out there who think that cold brew doesn’t qualify as good coffee because it isn’t “elegant”, you’re wrong.

I’m an Indian-American and my second language is Telugu. When I’m not annoying my sister or obsessing over the news on Instagram, I’m usually brooding over the state of the world, but don’t we all? While I am guilty of watching tv series about high school kids in dramatically constant chaos, I also love documentaries (especially those about cults, I will say no more). I’ve always struggled with my bicultural identity and am learning how to embrace it, one mistake, one failure and one attempt at a time.